Manortown United FC

Founded 1969

Co. Dublin

Operational Procedures


Abbreviations:   EXE = Executive Committee. FC = Football Committee. CWO = Child Welfare Officer.

 A. Membership.
 B. Representation Squads.
 C. Rules & Procedures.
 D. Subscriptions.
 E. Fundraising.

 A. Membership:
1. The admission of any person rests with the EXE, but in normal circumstances will generally be delegated to the team Managers.
2. The EXE has the power at any stage to terminate membership of any member who in their opinion does not abide by the rules of the club.
3. A Team Manager at any stage can terminate a player membership to the club, That player has fourteen days to submit to the FC a written appeal. Any under 18 termination must be done in the presence of the CWO
4.  Any subsequent meeting with a players parents on possible termination must be attended by the CWO
5.  The appointed club official must be communicated to about any potential termination of players before any communication to player/parent.
6. If the player is not happy with the findings of the FC they can submit a final appeal in writing to the EXE within 7 days.
7. The EXE word is final. If the appeal is upheld the player may or may not go back to the same team depending on the EXE decision.
8. A Team Manager has the right at any stage to move a player from his/her team to another team within the club if he/she has the agreement of the other Team Manager.
9. Any movement of player due to any reason other than football matters must be cleared by the FC. This includes Discipline issues.
10. Any discussion with parents about moving a player must be attended by the clubs CWO.
11. The appointed club official must be communicated to about any potential movement of players before any communication to player/parent.
12. Players can only be moved during the external or internal transfer window of the affiliated league.
13. Transfer form must be filled in and sent to the league before the player can play for the new team. Until then the player stays with current team. Its the responsibility of the lead manager to ensure transfer is filled in. (This is the manager who is either looking to move a player or the A Manager is requesting a player. Whoever is driving the move looks after transfer form)
14. Managers are advised to consult Team Coach before making any decision on movement of player. However the final decision is the Managers.
15. A Team Manager can request a player from another team within the club and may play the player on consent of the other Team Manager if not breaking any league rules.
16. Players must play at own age group if the club have a team at the appropriate level. Players can play up, on loan or if no appropriate team at the correct level.
17. All players are signed for Manortown United Football Club and not just one particular team and again may be required to move team from time to time.
18. The Exe reserve the right to move a player without the Managers permission to another team if them deem the player is playing at the wrong level and its having a negative impact on his/her development.

19. The Exe reserve the right to delegate this task to the FC.

20. Removal of Managers will be dealt with by the FC on consultation with the EXE.

• Removal or movement of a Manager must be performed by a panel of two allocated by the football committee.
 • All removals or movements must be discussed and voted on at football committee level.
 • The Exe must be informed of a plan to remove or move a manager prior to the manager been informed
 • The Exe have the power to put a move or removal on hold if further clarification is required for 10 days.

21. Any Player aged ten (10) years or over wishing to be registered within Manortown United having last been registered within another Country must obtain an International Transfer Certificate (“ITC”). Please contact a member of the EXE to facilitate this requirement.
 22. Any player moving from Professional football to Manortown United must be regraded to Amateur status and if coming from another association must receive International Clearance. Please contact a member of the EXE to facilitate this requirement.

23. Removal and Hiring of Coaches will be dealt with by the appointed EXE member responsible for the management of coaches and coaching schedule.

Coaches may be moved from team to team as required.
 Matters of Coaches discipline will be dealt with by a panel of two EXE Members.

 B. Selection of Players for Representational Squads.
In most cases players are chosen by the  League or International Managers for squads. However from time to time clubs are asked to select players they feel would have the ability for example merging talent trials.
No child should be showing bias under any circumstances when selecting representation for our club other than footballing ability. Coaches and Assistant Managers should be contacted and asked for an opinion on the children selected. However the final decision should be the Managers. His/her decision should only be based on football ability and the decision must be transparent to all other members of the team.

C. Rules & Procedures:
1. Matters of discipline will be dealt on a day to day basis by the Team Managers.
2. The Football Committee will deal with complaints. Contact 
3. The EXE will deal with appeals to decision made by the Football Committee.
4. The EXE decision is final and they are under no obligation to explain their decision.
5. (Investigations may take time and your patients is required)
6. Appeals will not be heard due to players been dropped by a manager unless it’s for reasons other than football matters.
7. The Team Manager has full control of team affairs.
8. Each Team Manager will lay down guidelines for his own team around discipline. If these are not met a player may be asked to leave the club by that Manager.
9. Senior Players only can be fined for 1). Tardiness 2). Dirty Boots. 3). Absence on match day if deemed appropriate by their manager. The fine will be decided by the team manager but can’t exceed a weeks subs. Physical Fighting among players could result in instant dismissal from the club.
10. Abusive behaviour towards the Manager or his staff may result in instant dismissal from the club.
11. Frequent fining could result in dismissal from the club.
12. A player may serve a suspension laid down by the Football Committee if they deem his/her actions require further discipline. This can be appealed to the EXE within 7 days in writing if grounds are identified.
13. Team Managers Coaches and all team staff will be appointed by the EXE after a screening process. Managers must not appoint staff without the EXE/FC approval.
14. Managers must direct all issues with a Parents behaviour to the football committee for review if a meeting is required to take place with the Parent. It is advised that a member of the Football committee attend the meeting.
15. It is also advised that the parent concerned is giving advance warning of the meeting, the intended Agenda and an opportunity to have someone of their choice to attend that meeting with them.

D. Subscriptions:
1. The executive can change Membership and Registrations fees as they deem fit.
2. The annual Membership & Registration fees will be payable in advance of the start of the season every year through ClubZap or the Club Website.  Membership/Registration Fees are strictly non-refundable. 
3. If the fees are not paid on time a player may be dropped from all activities until payment.
4. Unemployed players/parents or players who are attending full time third level education will be asked to pay a reduced rate deemed by the executive.
E. Fundraising:
All members of the club are required to take part in fund raising. This is not optional.

 The essential elements of character-building and ethics in sports are embodied in the concept of sportsmanship and six core principles: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and good citizenship. The highest potential of sport is achieved when competition reflects these "six pillars of character."

Parents Contract

I therefore agree:

I will not force my child to participate in soccer.
 I will remember that children participate to have fun and that the game is for youth, not adults.
 I will inform the coach of any physical disability or ailment that may affect the safety of my child or the safety of others.
 I will learn the rules of the game and the policies of the league.
 I will be a positive role model for my child and encourage sportsmanship by showing respect and courtesy, and by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, officials and spectators at every game and practice.
 I will not engage in any kind of unsportsmanlike conduct with any official, coach, player, or parent such as booing and taunting; refusing to shake hands; or using profane language or gestures.
 I will not encourage any behaviours or practices that would endanger the health and well being of the players.
 I will teach my child to play by the rules and to resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility or violence.
 I will demand that my child treat other players, coaches, officials and spectators with respect regardless of race, creed, colour, sex or ability.
 I will teach my child that doing one’s best is more important than winning, so that my child will never feel defeated by the outcome of a game or his/her performance.
 I will praise my child for competing fairly and trying hard, and make my child feel like a winner every time.
 I will never ridicule or shout at my child or other participant for making a mistake or losing a match.
 I will emphasise skill development and practices and how they benefit my child over winning. I will also de-emphasise games and competition in the lower age groups.
 I will promote the emotional and physical well being of the players ahead of any personal desire I may have for my child to win.
 I will respect the officials and their authority during games and will never question, discuss, or confront coaches at the game, and will take time to speak with coaches at an agreed upon time and place.
 I will demand a sports environment for my child that is free from any kind of drugs.
 I will refrain from coaching my child or other players during matches and practices unless I am an official coach.
 I agree that from time to time my child may appear in club photos on Facebook or other forms of Media.
 Managers Contract

I therefore agree:

1. That children participate to have fun and that the game is for youth, not adults.

2. I will learn the rules of the game and the policies of the league.

3. I will be a positive role model for children and encourage sportsmanship by showing respect and courtesy, and by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, officials and spectators at every game and practice.

4. I will not engage in any kind of unsportsmanlike conduct with any official, coach, player, or parent such as booing and taunting; refusing to shake hands; or using profane language or gestures.

5. I will not encourage any behaviours or practices that would endanger the health and well being of the players.

6. I will teach children to play by the rules and to resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility or violence.

7. I will demand that the children treat other players, coaches, officials and spectators with respect regardless of race, creed, colour, sex or ability.

8. I will teach children that doing one’s best is more important than winning, so that they will never feel defeated by the outcome of a game or his/her performance.

9. I will praise the children for competing fairly and trying hard, and make them feel like a winner every time.

10. I will never ridicule or shout at the children or other participant for making a mistake or losing a match.

11. I will emphasise skill development and practices and how they benefit children over winning. I will also de-emphasise games and competition in the lower age groups.

12. I will promote the emotional and physical well being of the players ahead of any personal desire I may have to win.

13. I will demand a sports environment that is free from any kind of drugs.


POLICY ON SELECTION of Senior Players for Senior teams

This policy has been drawn up on the basis of the first team playing on Saturdays.

1. The objective of the Club is to promote the development of all players so as to have its teams playing at the highest level possible. Players will be selected for teams on the basis of their ability, fitness, commitment and track record.

2. The Exe Committee, acting on behalf of the Club, shall appoint all team managers and assistants. Managers and their assistants are entrusted with the responsibility of managing teams on behalf of the Club.

3. The first team manager shall be Club Manager with overall responsibility for all senior teams and senior players. Other senior team managers are expected to co-operate with and support the Club Manager in the development of senior players and senior teams.

4. The Club Manager should watch other senior team games as well as older schoolboy games and monitor the progress of players. The other senior team managers should do likewise where possible.

5. There should be regular combined training sessions for all senior players as well as interchanging of players between training sessions having regard to potential team selections. Schoolboy players may be invited by the 1st team Manager into training sessions with a possibility of selection for the senior teams.

6. In his selection of players the first team manager must be conscious of the requirements of the other senior managers and their teams. This principle also applies in turn to subsequent team managers.

7. It is essential that good communications should exist between the managers of the senior teams. The first team manager and in turn the second team manager have particular responsibility to ensure that the other manager(s) are advised in good time regarding their selection of players. The first team manager should hold regular meetings with the other senior managers at which they can advise each other of issues concerning the entire senior squad.

8. Senior managers should ensure that players who are brought into a team from a lower team or schoolboy team are warmly welcomed into the squad and are well treated by the other players. It is particularly important that underage players coming into a senior team are properly treated not only by the manager but also by the senior players.

9. All senior players are regarded as a single pool of players who are available to represent the club at whatever level they are selected.

10. The first team is regarded as the pinnacle of the Club and all managers and players are expected to assist in ensuring that the first team has the best players to represent the Club.

11. For week-end matches, panels of players will normally be selected on Thursday evening. The first team manager has first choice followed in order by the other manager(s).

12. If a player from a lower team is selected to start a game for the first team on Sunday he should not play on Saturday.

13. The substitutes selected for the first team game on Sunday should normally play for the second or third team on Saturday. However, the first team manager may require that they play a full game in a certain position or only part of a game if a particular situation so requires e.g. if the first team has an important cup match or if he feels that he will definitely need to use the player. If the first team manager feels that a player is unlikely to feature in the team on Sunday he may permit such a player to play a full match on Saturday.

14. If a player, who had been selected for a higher team, reverts to a lower team he will automatically regain his place on the team he left. A player should never be penalised for being promoted to a higher team.

15. Following the selection of players for each match, the relevant senior team managers shall have responsibility for the panel of players assigned to them for the duration of their assignment.

16. If a senior player declines to play for the team for which he is selected the matter should be reported (by the selecting manager and/or the player concerned) to the Exe Committee (Club Secretary). The Exe Committee will investigate the matter and determine the appropriate action to take in the case.

17. Senior managers have a particular responsibility to ensure that the club’s Code of Conduct is observed by themselves, their players and by their assistants especially regarding discipline and good behaviour before, during and after matches. In exercising their responsibilities managers should lead by example

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