Membership Lotto About Contact History Honours Academy Governance Social Media Policy Discrimination Policy Diversity & Inclusion Covid Compliance Travelling Guidelines Spectators Conduct Operational Procedures Coach Corner Active Sports Wear Club ShopThe Club Compliance Officer Role is to promote and implement the club’s policies and procedures for the protection of our members, volunteers, coaches, managers and parents.
- Training Venue, Facilities and Equipment
- Ensure that a COVID-19 Risk Assessment is carried out on the training venue prior to its use.
- Ensure that COVID-19 signage is visible throughout the training facility.
- Ensure that no changing rooms or showers are used.
- Ensure that sanitary facilities are accessible for players and coaches.
- Ensure that all training equipment, including goalposts are sanitized before and after every training session.
The Training Sessions
- Ensure that the group numbers specified in the FAI Safer Return to Training Protocol are adhered to: Adult Training | Group of 15 (14 players & minimum of 1 coach)
- Underage Training | Group of 15 (13 players & minimum of 2 coaches)
- Ensure that only essential personnel access the training pitch/area
- Ensure that the training area is at least 75 X 50 metres in size
- Ensure that social distancing is adhered to by all players and coaches when accessing and leaving the training area
- Ensure contact is kept to a minimum during the training session, as per FAI Safer Return to Training Protocol.
- Ensure players, coaches and parents refrain from congregating at the venue or car park during pick-ups and drop-offs.
Coaches and Players
- Ensure that the coaches and players understand and adhere to their responsibilities, as set out in the FAI Safer Return to Training Protocol.
- Keep a record of attendees at all training sessions for contact tracing purposes.
- Regularly liaise with, and report to, the Club Chairperson and relevant coach(es) regarding the training sessions and adherence to the FAI Safer Return to Training Protocol
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